Mr. Jackson's 6th Grade Civics & 7th Grade World Geography Classes
Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mr. Jackson’s hours of availability?
The best way to contact me is via email at [email protected]. I am available for any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the academic year Monday through Friday 2:15pm to 3:00pm.  I will also be available for brief conferences during my plan periods (4A and 3B). I will be more than happy to converse with parents and/or students about grades and assignments. 

How often will my grade be updated?

Grades will be updated at least once a week.

When is there going to be a Test/ Quiz?

Tests are given at the end of each chapter.  Quizzes will be given at the end of every two sections over the material covered.  There will be pop quizzes!  Students will never be tested over information not covered in class!

Do you accept late work?
Yes.  But only from the current quarter, excluding the last week of the quarter.

How long after an absence is make up work due?

Makeup work is due two weeks (14 calendar days) after you return from an illness. After that, missing assignments receive a score of 0.