Mr. Jackson's 6th Grade Civics & 7th Grade World Geography Classes

Course Syllabus

Course Title: 7th Grade World Geography
Instructor: Mr. Morris A. Jackson
Portable Room 9

Course Description:
This course is designed for the study of the physical, economic, cultural, and political geography of selected regions around the world. Students will explore describe, analyze, and seek to understand the spatial arrangement of objects and people on the earths surface.  Key areas of study will include the Americas, Europe & Russia, North Africa and Southwest Asia, Africa South of the Sahara, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica.

Specific Objective:
By the end of this course, students will be able to identify features of the earth’s surface and the processes that shape it.  They will be able to recognize the relationships between people and environments, and the connections between people and places.  Students will obtain the skills they need in order to help them answer questions about where things are, how they got there, and how they interact with other things – in the past, present, and, in the future.

Required Textbook:
The World and Its People
By Boehm, Armstrong, Hunkins, Reinhartz, Lobrecht

Required Materials:
Text Books will be provided.  Please Do Not bring checked out textbooks from the school library to class.
All students are required to have a 3-ring Binder, at least 2 dividers for the binder, paper for notes, and a pen or pencil.  You are required to have these materials EVERY SINGLE CLASS PERIOD.

Class Room Rules:
All students are expected to follow the rules of the class.  Students will get one warning before various other disciplinary actions are considered.

·    Daily work – will consist of various, in-class assignments meant to coincide with unit lessons.
·    Special projects – will consist of participation in National History Day (500 pts): one major group project, and several National Geographic Article reviews.
·    Quizzes –  are usually given after two sections in the book have been covered. (But quizzes may be given at anytime so it is important that students stay current in their studies.)  
·    Tests – will be given at the end of each chapter.   Two major tests (mid term& final) will consist of short answer, multiple-choice, fill in the blanks and essay formats.
·    Note-taking – students are required to take notes every class period & keep them in a well organized binder (titled by date and unit)
·    Classroom Participation – points are given at the end of each unit and will vary according to in-class discussions.  
Do to the nature of this class attendance is mandatory.  With that in mind, I understand that things come up; so it is the STUDENTS responsibility to get all missed work.  If you are going to be gone for a school function, please notify me before you depart.  You may come in upon your return to get the missed work.  Failure to do this will result in a zero.  If you skip my class, and I find out, I may hunt you down.  Please believe me I am a connected man!

Additional Class Information:
Assignments – any type written assignment may be turned in by email, on paper, as well flash drive; as a result, printer problems will not be accepted as an excuse for not turning in assignments on time.

Writing – writing is a major component of this course; points will be taken off for excessive spelling & grammatical errors.

Late work -  Forgotten or late homework from the current quarter will be accepted.  Late work will not be accepted from previous quarters or the last week the current quarter.  It is highly suggested that students stay current with daily assignments!!!  There will be a lot of assignments and weeks will go by rather quickly!